»MONSTRESS is confident and complex, bolstered by a compelling narrative and wondrous visuals.«
»MONSTRESS's art is as gruesome as it is gorgeous.«
»Never has a comic been so cute or so horrifying within the same few pages. Takeda’s ethereal art and Liu’s masterful touch have created a very smart and imaginative fantasy that is guaranteed to break your heart.«
»MONSTRESS is one of the most visually and tonally striking books released so far this year. Liu and Takeda throw readers into their world with no half-measures, a somber and thrilling saga of how even the suffocating inhumanity of prejudice and cruelty cannot stifle the stubborn persistence of love and life.«
»The comic is a stunning art deco steampunk feast for the eyes, and explores themes of survival and deadly hatred. The story and characters are intriguing, and the world building is as rich as the artwork.«
»So hat mich auf jeder Seite etwas Neues und Unerwartetes getroffen – ich war zu Tränen gerührt, absolut fassungslos und dann wieder von einem unglaublichen Lebenswillen ergriffen.« (Letterheart Blog)
»Die Serie überzeugte durch eine eindringliche Handlung, spannende Charaktere und eine komplett neue Ästhetik.« (Alfonz, 2020)