»Diese Serie verdient das Etikett "legendär", weil sie wie keine andere Liebe, Gewalt und Philosophie zu einer ebenso fantastischen wie berührenden Familiengeschichte verbindet.«
(Rolling Stone)
»Das amerikanische Indie-Phänomen ist anrührend, obszön, episch, pfiffig und schlichtweg genial. Jeder, der etwas anderes behauptet, hat SAGA entweder nicht gelesen oder ist erzkonservativ. Beides wäre nicht cool.«
»Quite deserving of nearly all the hype, this is absolutely one of the titles you should be reading if you consider any kind of serious comic book fan.«
»Chapter Six, like the rest of the chapters thus far, continues to cement SAGA‘s place among the great comic books of the 21st century, a feat that Brian K. Vaughn seems unable to avoid to the disdain of no one. Fiona Staples continues to do everything and more, from moody, atmospheric covers to dazzling, ultraviolent visuals and serene double page spreads of awe inspiring wonder.«
»SAGA 6 is not the most exciting arc of the series but it’s pivotal and it builds off of important events that have before it. There are some genuinely humorous moments and Staples art is as usual, off the charts gorgeous.«